2 year old Male Rose Breasted Cockatoo with cage.
SOLD7 month old female African grey ( Congo ) with cage. $5000 OBO
SOLDBirds for sale. Had them for 2 years. Not sure how old they are. Female bird loosing some feathers in back and chest area. Apparently stress related
SOLDHand feeding Yellow Wing BB parrots(parakeets) Available mid May. These are very sweet little birds with Big personalities. They make wonderful companions…
SOLDI have these two unrelated bonded pairs currently needing a new home. They are sweet, love to be with me, and are fast learners. If you are thinking of…
SOLDBeautiful breeding Pair for sale Unfortunately I’m in the process of moving and no longer have the room to maintain them. Looking for a suitable home…
SOLD3 year old DNA Tested Male Blue Headed Pionus. Prefers males. He is very sweet. Flighted and harness trained. Located in New Jersey. Will not be shipped…
SOLD2 year old female India blue peahen. Pick up only. Healthy.
SOLD4 healthy young pea chicks. Gender unknown. Indigo blue. $75 Pick up
SOLDHealthy year old male ostrich.