Hand fed baby peach faced lovebirds, tame and friendly.
SOLD2 unsexed Owl finch babies & 2 unsexed yellow faced Star Finch babies. They are weaned & ready for new perches. Asking 100.00 each
SOLDSexed & banded White face pearl/pied cockatiel babies. If interested, feel free to call/text me at our phone number. I will be happy to send additional…
SOLDYoung gouldian finches available. I have 2 young males just starting to color up & singing & dancing around. All the others are not colored up yet so…
SOLDSexed & banded White face pearl/pied cockatiel babies. If interested, feel free to call/text me at our phone number. I will be happy to send additional pictures…
SOLDHand raised baby cockatiels almost ready for their forever homes. Their wings are not clipped and they have no leg bands. Parent info below. Hatch dates…
SOLDYoung conures last two will sell for $300 each
SOLDJojo a male cockatiel 3 months old Hand fed and team Step up Start talking Word that he is learning Hello baby I love you what are you doing Pick a boo…
SOLDHello my name is ginger I am a handfed and teamed male love to be out all a time I am 4 moth old and just start to learn some words I know how to say hello…
SOLDSunny ababy cockatiel handfed from day one team and friendly just start eating on his own ready to learn you favoret tricks