Hatched 11/25/2023. Will know sex by end of week. Looking for a forever home.will provide more details and pictures of parents upon request.
SOLDBeautiful 3 year old Lutino female and 4 year old Pied male. They have laid two clutches of eggs but we did not bring them to hatch. His name is Riki…
SOLDMale quaker parrot. Hand tamed but needs more attention. Talks some and seems to want to learn more. Sweet beautiful bird.
SOLDBaby Sun conure 3 months of age hand feed and fully weaned.
SOLDYoung Blue quaker available this bby is fully tamed and hand raised. Already saying words!!!
SOLDTwo Ringneck doves. Born early March. One male violet neck. One crested orange neck gender not yet known. Mother is orange neck Ringneck Dove and father…
SOLDThree sweet babies! Selling them for a friend who recued them and hand fed them. They were born Feb1, 2023. So cute and inquisitive! Loves millet and veggies…
SOLDApproximately 14 years old. DNA tested male. Excellent health. Says a lot of words and phrases. Currently lives with dogs, cats and children - does great…
SOLDSOLD…. We are looking to rehome our African Grey parrot. The parrot belonged to my brother who has since moved from the home and was unable to take…
SOLDWe are rehoming our umbrella cockatoo very sweet bird. Loves to be held by either male or female. Talks a little and says pretty birdie alot. This price…