10 weeks old yellow amazon! I got told is a boy! He need to be train!
SOLDI have a little green cheek conure her name is Jade. she is 2 1/2 years old, her cage and toys will be included. I have some birds that she is dominant…
SOLDI have a male cockatiel who needs a good and loving home. His name is Lokie and he will sit on your head or shoulder's under his terms. if you talk to…
SOLD2.5 year old DNA sexed female ringneck parakeet. Was hand fed and sweet but went through "bluffing" stage and has remained a biter. Cage aggressive but…
SOLDi have 2 goffin cockatoos that i need to rehome. both will be together with 2 fairly new 300.00 cages. 1 male and 1 female. female is friendly,male needs…
SOLDBurberry is a 2 year old male conure, loves being social with other birds, swinging upside down, and sassing you(he has started to try and talk). We had…
SOLDHandtamed. 3 months old. Female DNA sexed. No shipping. Local pickup only
SOLD1 DNA sexed female left handtamed and fully weaned. 2 months old No shipping. Local pickup only.
SOLDMale pied cinnamon. Handtamed. No shipping. Local pickup only.
SOLDThis DNA Male is very sweet and ready for his forever home. Handtamed, fully weaned. No shipping. Local pickup only.