6 budgies for rehoming. 3 males and 3 females. Must go in pairs as parakeets are community birds. Not hand tamed.
SOLD2 month old lutino and albino budgies available. Pickup from Ellicott City MD. $50 for the pair. These are half English budgies. Parakeet/Budgie
SOLD1 month old half English budgies available. Spangles, opaline, inos,cinnamon are some of the mutations available. Total 10 available. Must go in pairs…
SOLD1 month old half English budgies available. Spangles, opaline, inos,cinnamon are some of the mutations available. Total 10 available. Must go in pairs…
SOLDThese young Finches were raised by parents fed sprouted seed, scrambled or hard boiled egg,, egg, egg food, fortified pellets and seed mix millet, mashed…
SOLD(Pending Sale)She is roughly 4 years old. Cage aggressive with other female LBS. Lay's eggs a lot. No mate.
SOLD(Pending sale)No shipping.. Warning. Female is aggressive hands near the cage. She is always laying eggs on the bottom and I think she tries to protect…
SOLDAugust 22, 2022 UPDATE: Guillermo went home with Gypsy yesterday. Things are going really well, all things considered. He adores his new human, too.…
SOLD2-year-old male. I have mine trained to free-range during the day, but I lock them up at night. Not tame to touch, but will eagerly eat treats at your…
SOLDThe male has a slight inward bow on one leg due to an injury when it was a chick. They both run, chase, and play with the others with no problem. Both…