Male English Budgie baby for sale he was born Dec 29 2021. He does have a little bit of missing feathers on the side of his face that will grow back He…
SOLD5 month old English Budgie for sale she is super sweet and already hand tamed.
SOLD2 quakers, age unknown, one of them talks and says their name. Both with big cage for 350.
SOLDBoth are around 4 years old, brought them together and they must be sold together. Right one is female and left one is male. Ready for breeding, just need…
SOLDOne male one female they are 1 year old and friendly. The male can talk and say: hello, I love you and what are you doing?
SOLDHello, I'm looking to rehome my parakeets. Beautiful colors and friendly. I have them for last couple of years but lately I travel a lot due to my job…
SOLDYoung and healthy gluster canaries for sale, all with leg tags. If interested please give me a call at (586) 201-2532, ask for Frank. *Pickup only…
SOLDBlue and gold pair 19y/o. Have not breed them since acquiring 3 years ago and not tame. Male plucked female in good feather. Firm price- pickup only Michigan…
SOLDSweet girl recall and some trick trained. Fully flighted. Pet purpose only. Pick up Michigan only.
SOLDGreenwing macaw babies just hatched. July 10th. Out of box at 14-21 days to experienced and pick-up only. Can wean if desired. Weaned December/January…