Martinsville, VIRGINIA Gender: Assorted Hatch Dates: Jul. 9, 2024 * sibling (Pair 1) Jul.10, 2024 * sibling (Pair 1) Aug. 7, 2024 * sibling (Pair…
$50Mako is a sweet boy. Knows step up, will hang out on your shoulder. Hatched June 2023, and purchased from a breeder in August 2023. Currently on a diet…
$200Fully weaned and ready, Handfed and tame, sweet playful babies. They are weaned on to Zupreem Fruitblend pellets and some fresh food. They are playful…
$550Just weaned and ready to go. Sweet, playful, spunky birds. Already weaned on to Zupreem fruitblend pellets and some fresh food. Not DNA'd (sexed) They…
$400Percy is a 2 year old male cockatiel. He loves to sing and chatter, and can be a typical male tiel in that he will be whistling to you one moment, and…
$2006-7 Years old in need of good home and must stay together
$1,000Turquoise male (2 yrs old), Yellow female and Green female (both 1 yr old). Large cage and accessories (toys, perches, feeders, and food). I will soon…
$700The Waterslager Canary is one of the best type of song canaries which can produce up to 14 different melodies at different quality levels. Their songs…
$150Gray opaline/split/ turquoise. Beautiful Ten-month-old DNA-sexed female. Handfed, playful and talking . I am re-homing due to my having chronic Bird Fancier…
SOLDDNA tested yellow sided male Green Cheek Conures. $300 each.