Beautiful albino cockatiel looking for a loving home, she is 7 weeks old very friendly and tamed she loves attention. For the safety and well being of…
SOLDTwo beautiful white face pearls cockatiels looking for a loving home , they are both males and they are siblings , they are 7 weeks old very friendly…
SOLD2-month-old female Albino cockatiel looking for a loving home, she's tamed and friendly, she has been handfed. She loves attention and likes to play a…
SOLD7 parakeets looking for a loving home, $20 each
SOLD54-inch Wrought Iron Cage with wheels and tray underneath + Toys + Food included!! Fancy is a healthy and cheeky 3yr old conure that’s ~11inches from…
SOLD2.5 year old DNA sexed female ringneck parakeet. Was hand fed and sweet but went through "bluffing" stage and has remained a biter. Cage aggressive but…
SOLDWe are moving and cannot take our cockatiels with us so we need to find them a loving home soon! This pair may look a little rough around the edges…
SOLDFemale parakeet is white and male parakeet is yellow/green. The male is super sweet. He does not bite at all and stays on your finger. The female is aggressive…
SOLDHatched on April 26, 2023. We named him Sunshine since he brought us so much joy with his bright yellow head. Now we need to make room for his newest siblings…
SOLDMature female cockatiel ready for a partner and to lay eggs (has laid some unfertile eggs already). Naturally fed and raised by her parents. Is estimated…