***Sold Mr. Josh or is an adult cockatoo that has a very large vocabulary but the downside is that he likes to curse a lot. He prefers women over men…
SOLDAugust 22, 2022 UPDATE: Guillermo went home with Gypsy yesterday. Things are going really well, all things considered. He adores his new human, too.…
SOLDBudgie- parakeet. This bird is free, not tamed.
SOLD2 beautiful Fisher's born in March unable to keep due to a move must stay together very bonded . All the food and toys are included.
SOLDSemi hand tame, loves to sing. He is a beautiful bird. 6 years old. Will not ship. Pick up only.
SOLDI have this female for sale. She is 6 years old .. very friendly for with all my kids. She talk a lot and very quick learner. If you teach her some word…
SOLDI currently have only ; MALE RED BRONZE Great singers from my Aviary 1,5 year old. ***Only serious requests please Finest quality healthy adult canaries…
SOLDI currently have a bonded pair available. Will travel up to 50 miles to meet with deposit. Price is NEGOTIABLE. Please reach out with questions. The…
SOLDPatents on site. Mom is a prolific egg-layer and had three chicks. They have been raised together and need individual training. They have not been sexed…
SOLD9 lovebirds from different clutches. Can make unrelated pairs. The clutches are in each picture. $200 per LB, a pair for $375. NO DNA. Please text me…