Please meet Phoebe. She is a Sulphur Crested Cockatoo and is approximately 15 years young. She has recently been to the vet and has a clean bill of health…
SOLD10 parakeets for sale. $35.00/each OR $140 for all 10 including the cage and supplies.
SOLDThis is "Flash", a Dom Red yellowsided baby boy. Like many dom red chicks, he does have a bald area on his head. In his case, the bald spot reminded me…
SOLDWe have just started to handfeed baby turquoise pineapple and turquoise yellowsided. Pictured are the parents, Dad is a turquoise pineapple and mom a turquoise…
SOLDBeautiful handfed cinnamon dilute greencheek babies just weaning and looking for a new perch. DNA pending Weaned to Zupreem Fruitblend pellets (medium…
SOLDThis beautiful Dom Red turquoise yellowsided greencheek baby girl "Elpheba" is a little shy but will come around with regular attention. She'll be weaned…
SOLDThis beautiful Opamint girl "Katniss" hatched 12/11/23 and is almost weaned. She's outgoing and loves to fly fly fly. On Zupreem Fruitblend pellets and…
SOLDBaby turquoise pineapple baby girl available in Limerick PA.
SOLDWe are 5 beautiful babies for sale. I am excepting deposits to hold the baby of your choice. We have been hand fed and are now eating on our own. We…
SOLDHand raised and fed. Only 1 baby left. They will step up on your finger and love to sit on your shoulder and walk around. They are now eating on their…