Green cheeked conure baby, split to cinnamon and turquoise. $500 w/cage. various cages negotiable. lots to choose from.
$500Male breeder age. Was originally hand fed, perfect feathers, with cage or you can pick another cage larger for more. Several cages to choose from.
$800will trade a maximillian male for a female..Will trade a male white capped pionus for a female. Breeder age.. Perfect feathers..cages and nest boxes for…
No Price ListedSpanish Timbrado Canaries for sale. Excellent singers bred and raised for competitions. Born Spring 2024. Males $100 and Females $70. Green or Variegated…
$100This is an exceptional cockatiel.
$200Outstanding temperament baby cockatiel.
$200These babies will be ready the end of March.
$400This turquoise green cheek is a breeder. 3 year old male.He is double split to yellow. He was a great father but his mate passed away.
$200DNA Green Male Indian Ringneck. He was hand fed, but has never been tame/friendly. Would make a fine breeder! Eats Roudybush, fresh chop and LOVES…
$600Male banded sun conure, under 1 year old. Very very tame. My daughter moved out of the country so seeking him a new home. He is extremely friendly to everyone…