I have a green cheek conure about 1 years old needing a home. Not sure if he is male or female but he is tame and talks a little. Steps up.
SOLD4 month old baby black mask lovebird. Tame and will cuddle on chest. Does well with kids and other birds.
SOLD4 month old baby love bird. Black masked. Tame.. will snuggle on chest. Great with kids and other birds also/
SOLDDiamond Dove, young, male and female
SOLDPablo is fluent in two languages, English and naughty. Extremely socialized parrot is 6 years old and needs more than we can offer to him. Very confident…
SOLDBaby Fischer Lovebirds. Their hatch dates are: October 21, 22, & 25. They’re being hand fed, & are very friendly don’t bite. Contact me for more information…
SOLDI purchased him and DNA verified from Anna’s Parrots 2 years ago as a baby. It comes with the cage.
SOLDPlaning to rehome my beautiful, very friendly, playful bird, handfed & tamed, 6 months old , Gender unknown. Without cage (bird only) Price firm and…
SOLD3 male goldbreasts available. 2 hatched in my aviary summer of 2023.
SOLDI have available 2 young Parakeets; the Male is blue and the female is green . asking only $30 for both.