Say hi to Gus! He's a healthy, friendly, 18 yo scarlet macaw. He would love to come live with an experienced large bird owner and get a lot of attention…
SOLD2024 Stainless Steel Closed Banded, Hand Fed, Turquoise Crossover Quakers available. DNA Tested
SOLDFour Rare breed baby peacocks (7mo old) (2Male, 1 Female) and one young Female Cameo Peacock (1.5yrs). Rare breed Males are Indigo Blue/white eyed. Females…
SOLDThree 9 Month old peacocks for sale. One Male (Indigo Blue) One Female (Tan) and One Female (Iridescent Green) all from same clutch. Last three out of…
SOLD2 Young (6mo old) India Blue-Pied Male Peacocks for sale. All very heathy and well kept. Ready to go to new home.
SOLD3 Male Young Blue/White Spalding peacocks from breeding pair. Handfed, well kept, very healthy ready to go to new home.
SOLDHand fed very tame yellow female and turquoise male. Selling as pair with Omlet cage for $650 OBO. Need to rehome due to my health reasons. They simply…