Active male cockatoo, loves everyone, easy to work with, enjoys traveling and could bread to a female cockatoo.
$800We unfortunately need to find a Fantastic home for our juvenile male Scarlet Macaw. His hatch date was April 2021. He is very friendly, hand tamed, loves…
SOLD15 year old , friendly, spunky bird with large vocabulary and great personality. He has been a family pet his entire life. DNA certificate is included…
SOLDstill being hand fed baby female eclectus 6 in half weeks old
SOLDonly about 8 weeks old still being hand fed female
SOLDstill being handfed baby girl eclectus born Jan. 24 2023 $1,995
SOLD*DNA proven Male with certificate *Paperwork stating that he is negative for Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease, Avian Polyoma Virus and Avian Borna…
SOLDAll weaned and ready for new home , born July 27, 2021