I need to rehome my adorable and funny Jenday and Sun Conures. We have 2 males, and 2 females . They are in good health , friendly, and playful. They love…
$5003 beautiful and healthy jenday counres babies. Currently handfeeding 3 times a day. Need about couple of more weeks to be fully weaned. For more information…
$500Female jenday conure About 2 years old $550 Willing to trade for a male sun conure or Indian ring neck male Pick up only
SOLD3 babies jenday counres. Currently handfeeding them need a couple of weeks to be fully weaned. For more call or text me at our phone number
SOLD2 jenday counres 4 weeks old. Still handfeeding them. Need afew weeks to be fully weaned for more call or text me at our phone number
SOLD3 months old male jenday counres handfed tame active and in good condition . For more call or text me at our phone number