I have 5 males and 2 females who are 4 months and 2 months. All babies are weaned and ready for their forever homes, I do not ship. All babies are eating…
$55Hi All we have some proven breeding pair. Some bonded pair ready to breed and some young chicks for their permanent home. Please call or text me at 7033033954…
$45Hello bird enthusiasts it’s time to bring home a baby (juvenile) for hand taming and as a companion. These little crimping (talkative) feathery pet are…
$55I have a 2 week old Rainbow Parakeet male that should be ready to go home around March 9th. He will be raised on fresh foods as well as seed and Millet…
$55Handfed sweet English budgies. They are bigger than American budgies( the ones found in most pet stores).We have multiple colorations. They are known to…
$110Beautiful baby budgies, Hand fed and socialized, this is the pet for you if you want a sweet and loving parrot. They enjoy kisses and cuddling, We give…
$100This little beauty is about 4 months old. Looks like a male.was a handfed babyAll my babies come from my parents You're welcome to come visit prior to…
$80I have a bonded pair of birds born on 2020 who are friends with one another. The blue parakeet is male and the grey parakeet is female. I would like to…
$40Young fancy well diet feed hand raised babies. These are not your box story parakeets, the parents are very friendly and healthy. I do not do same bloodline…
$45English Budgie. Female. Hand fed. About 3 months old.