Currently being hand fed will be tame and ready to go right at Christmas
$400Sold. One of the most loving parrot breeds without the loud noise. Makes excellent bird for apartment dwellers. Birds were hand fed since 3 weeks old…
SOLD10 weeks old. Hand Fed, super tame, pearly pied cinnamon.
SOLDThis beautiful little turquoise green cheek baby was handfed and recently weaned - he/she is ready for a new home.
SOLDI have three 18-19 week old cockatiels for sale with lively personalities that love to sing and chirp. They are not hand-fed but will step up and let you…
SOLDHand fed and hand tame baby cockatiel
SOLDHand fed and tame babies.
SOLDHand fed and hand tame since 14 days old. Very loving.
SOLDHave 2month old baby lovebirds left Handfed but haven't handle a lot since weaned so little nippy.
SOLDI have 2 baby lovebirds left. Handfed but haven't handled recently since weaning, so little nippy