Young adult whiteface for sale. Was hand raised but is now timid. Can be tamed again with a lot of interaction and some patience. Split to ino, male.
SOLDFull tame as sweet a bird can be - Lutino Ringneck. 2024 Babies Hatching now Green $650 Blue/Turquoise/Grey $750 Violet/Albino/Lutino/Cremino $950…
SOLD3 month old baby cockatiels ready for rehoming. Wings have not been clipped. All our birds are pellets/veggie/seed diet. No DNA testing has been done.…
SOLDI want to rehome these 10 month old female young cockatiels. They’re both comfortable being around other cockatiels and humans. They’re also very tamed…
SOLDRecently purchased Cockatiel that is no more than a year old! My dad purchased the bird without my mom's approval who now wants it gone. The bird enjoys…
SOLDGorgeous african gray parrot baby, 6 months old. Very tame and sweet , talks, says a several sentences, looks very smart and will be a high level talker…
SOLDYoung 1 Year old white face cockatiel ready to be rehomed. This cockatiel was parent raised and is a bit shy, but is still very young and can be tamed…
SOLDHave baby half English baby budgies avilable All is hand tamed. They are ready to go to new home. The age is 40 days to 90 days .they are $40 each …
SOLDReady now as December 4th 2022 Baby cockatail will be ready to go to new home september 9th.2022 . He is ready for new home Been hand feeded since…
SOLDThese sweet young cockatiels are looking for a new home. All our birds have been weaned and are on a pellets/veggie/seed diet. No DNA testing has been…