We have a clutch of Lineolated or Barred Parakeets that will be ready for their new homes in the next few weeks! We have been raising them by hand along…
SOLDPrice $125 per pair. Lovely young pair male and female pure English Budgies available. Light Grey Female will be one year in December. Cobalt yellow face…
SOLDMale and female Pure English Budgies available. Male is 18 months and proven. Female is 10 months, too young still to breed but super healthy. Male is…
SOLDEmerald grey blue cleartail male 4 years old proven and cobalt clear tail hen 4 years ago proven. Free Shipping Please text or call me for details.
SOLDI am reducing my flock. 5 green babies and 3 pairs. 2 proven. One pair is cremino female an cobalt blue male, they are excellent parents that produce violet…
SOLDAvailable next breeding season. Double Violet, Violets, blues and cobalt will be available. Prices depend on color.