Unfortunately I have to rehome this beautiful bird. My work schedule and running for kids has taken over my life. Will need working with, does cuss like…
SOLD4 month old green crossover (yellow) quaker parrot. It is unsexed, planned on keeping for breeding but need the cash so I'm listing her. Father is pallid…
SOLDAvailable here is a sweet hand-fed and hand-tame light and bright green opaline quaker parrot with a sapphire blue underwings. Mother was a light blue…
SOLDAvailable here is a sweet hand-fed and hand-tame light green pallid quaker parrot with grey underwings. Mother was light blue opaline and father was light…
SOLDI have one green crossover quaker left. It is not DNA sexed. It is hand-fed and hand-tame and hatched on the 4th of July. Message me if interested, thank…