Baby green cheek conure, possibly cinnamon or pineapple. Hand feeding 3 times, Male with DNA. $400 now or $500 when he is ready.
SOLDHandfed Green Cheek Conure – Healthy, Happy, and Ready for Your Home! This Pineapple Green Cheek Conure is currently in the handfeeding process and…
SOLDHandfed Green Cheek Conure – Healthy, Happy, and Ready for Your Home! This Turquoise Green Cheek Conure is currently in the handfeeding process and…
SOLDHandfed Green Cheek Conure – Healthy, Happy, and Ready for Your Home! This Cinnamon Turquoise Green Cheek Conure is currently in the handfeeding process…
SOLDHandfed Quaker Parrot – Healthy, Happy, and Ready for Your Home! This Green Opaline Quaker Parrot is currently in the handfeeding process and will soon…
SOLDMeet this handsome Green Cheek Conure with the beautiful suncheek coloration! Just to clarify, “suncheek” is a color mutation, not a separate species—he…
SOLDVery beautiful handfed Parrotlet. 6 weeks old fully weaned ready for forever home She has a unique color pattern Green head teal wings and blue under…
SOLDFairly tame and says some cute words such as "What cha doin?" "Kiss, Kiss". Steps up, but not on your finger...always jumps straight to your shoulder.…
SOLDA friendly pair of Sun Conures about 5-6 years old. Both like to step up on sticks or your finger and get treats from you. They are bonded and do not wish…
SOLD13yr old green check conure, very social, loves attention. Health check done by Blue Ridge Veterinary Associates 11/04/2024- “Very Healthy well socialized…