I have 5 males and 2 females who are 4 months and 2 months. All babies are weaned and ready for their forever homes, I do not ship. All babies are eating…
$55I have a 2 week old Rainbow Parakeet male that should be ready to go home around March 9th. He will be raised on fresh foods as well as seed and Millet…
$55Baby Quaker parrots They’re around 8 weeks old Starting to eat on their own but also getting some handfeed 350each Pick up in reynoldsburg oh…
$350I have a Green Cheeks Conure pair the hen is a Turquoise and the male is a normal split. They are currently working their nest box so will be ready to…
$700have 3 baby quakers available for re homing Hatch date is July 1st and 2 hatched August 15 One is green split with yellow and has yellow on the wings…
$400I have a male parakeet he is 1.6 years, his main color is green has a slight of black, yellow, and bluish at the tail.. i also have a cage for sale too…
SOLDThe only have green color birds they are all male gender I have a 1-1/2 old 2 of them are 6 months and 1 is 4 weeks old. Each bird is home raised and its…
SOLDThis little girl is an absolute sweetheart. She was handfed so she's SUPER friendly and loves spending time with people. Very playful and engaging, loaded…
SOLDThis lovely green-cheeked conure comes with a brand new cage, all toys, and food. Everything you need to get started! She’s young and loves to be out and…
SOLDSold, thanks Sweet, one yr old male conure for adoption. Fully flighted. He is on a good pellet/chop diet with seed mix for training treats. Have dna test…