DNA confirmed female. She is very playful and sweet. She really loves hanging out with people and is the first at the cage door asking for attention. She…
SOLD12 weeks old Hand fed bird
SOLDBeautiful Baby Pearly for rehoming. Being handfed and raised with love and care. Experienced hand feeder can take baby home now. DNA test $50 at buyers…
SOLDThis little girl is 8 weeks old. She is a dilute. She is sweet and playful with a little spice to her personality. Her gender has been DNA confirmed. All…
SOLDThis little girl is a stunner. She us DNA confirmed female and is ready for her new home. Not only is she beautiful but she is sweet, and very playful…
SOLDDNA confirmed female dominant red yellowside. This little girl is a hoot. I had to separate her from her siblings because she kept trying to regurgitate…
SOLDLorelei has been DNA’d and is a sweet little girl. She is a cinnamon turquoise green cheek conure. Lorelei is tame and is recently weaned so she is ready…
SOLDWelcome to The Conure Perch Aviary. We are a small home based aviary specializing solely in breeding Green Cheek Conures. We currently have Three baby…
SOLDHandfed Green Cheek Conures. No Shipping. Cash only. 350.00 each
SOLDThis little girl , is the kind everyone wants for a pet.. she seeks you out to spend time with you. Loves cuddles and is calm and sweet. She has just weaned…