I have a hand tamed and very sweet gold capped conure for sale. She will sit on your shoulder and hang out with you. Never bit and has never gotten nippy…
SOLDI have a Dna’d Male, 7 month old blue and macaw, life has changed and I unfortunately can no longer give him the best care that he deserves. Comes with…
SOLDBlue and gold macaw baby, Dave is handfed-hand raised and super friendly & loves to cuddle, he is ready for new home, Dave is little over 3 months old…
SOLDI have 2 pairs lorikeet, sunset color, selling because moving to another house and downsizing.. if you buy more than one pair we can negotiate price..…
SOLDAccepting reservations for blue and gold macaw baby. Lori is almost 3 months old banded ,DNA'D (Female) & Disease Tested. Only Serious inquiries please…
SOLDI have two baby hybrid macaws for sale. Parents are a Blue Gold x Millie Gold. Just weaned and ready to go . I am also selling the proven parent pair and…
SOLDVery sweet macaw if she is use to you, got her at 8 months in january 2007, likes attention, loves to talk. Looking for a good home perferably someone…
SOLDThese sweet babies, are so fun, super friendly , love to be held and snuggle. If you are looking for a companion , one of these boys will fill that spot…
SOLDSkittles is a beautiful & healthy Blue and Gold Macaw looking for loving home, She is 15 months old, she is DNA'D & Disease tested, only Serious inquiries…
SOLD.( one girl left) Hand fed and weaned to Zupreem fruit pellets . They love apples and Cheerios as well as other healthy snacks . Gentle and snuggly . Quakers…