Mango is about 2 years old. She is the sweetest bird ever! This has been very hard for me, but I have come to accept the fact that she truly does need…
SOLD"Nutmeg" hatched on October 21, 2022 and has been hand fed and raised by me. She is very affectionate, curious and loves to play. She will be a great companion…
SOLD2 years old Christmas Eve, Hand trained, Good with children, Talks, Fully Flighted, last Vet appt Feb 22. Comes with Cage toys and whatever food we have…
SOLDAbsolutely gorgeous female pearl hand tame cockatiel baby. This little lady hatched early October and is now ready for her new home. Local pick up in…
SOLDFemale high red pineapple green cheek conure 8 months old. Tame but little shy to new environment so it will need time to settle to a new people/place…
SOLDFemale high red pineapple green cheek conure 8 months old. Tame but little shy to new environment so it will need time to settle to a new people/place…
SOLDBeautiful baby Female American turquoise Parrotlet. she loves to play on hands, be on shoulders, cuddle, and head scratched. She has been hands fed and…
SOLDBeautiful female Turquoisine Grasskeet. Two years old. Will not ship.
SOLDVery friendly baby Pineapple Conure. DNA blood certified as a Female. All my breeders had been tested for PBFD and came Negative. She loves to play on…
SOLDDNA confirmed female Turquoise Opaline baby. She is being hand fed and is ready for her new home. She is beauty and personality. She is always the first…