Three baby cockatiels that are two and a half months old and $175 each, all females and very friendly. Let me know if your interested. You will be able…
SOLDVery friendly and playful, And was born on 17 December, 2021.
SOLDCute and playful, was born on December 17,2021. Has big beautiful round eyes.
SOLDThey are both really sweet. The male loves to be held and loved, but the female is more stand-offish. My dogs are constantly trying to attack them, and…
SOLD13 week old DNA tested female Albino cockatiel, super friendly and spoiled, her name is Jazz. She will step up , loves to sit on your head if you let…
SOLD3 beautiful female normal grey Cockatiels. They were handfed and weaned onto seeds and pellets. Sweet babies love attention and are already whistling…
SOLDWe are selling our 2 years olds cockatiel, unfortunately, our new born baby started to showing signs of allergic reaction when expose for a long time with…
SOLDVery tame females I hand raised myself. They step up and you can pet them and kiss them. 100.00 each cash only and pick up only.
SOLDBaby cockatiel hand fed, very tame and healthy. Hatched on October 12th. Female DNA tested. Ready to go. No shipping, pick up only
SOLDI want to rehome my tame female grey pied cockatiel. I unfortunately have other birds and don’t have the space to keep them all. She is comfortable being…