We have two wonderful doves almost full grown- would love to keep them, but their parents are becoming territorial, and they would do better in their own…
$50I have ringneck doves that I’m looking to rehome. Currently, I have 6 available which are a mix of males and females. I’m looking to give away all at once…
No Price ListedWhite and pied and other rare colored doves like pearl's are $50 each. Brown, wild, orange, Tangerine, blonde, fawn colors are $35 each Handfed baby…
$35Hatched on December 2, 2023. Very sweet and loves human company. Not DNA sexed but I'm pretty sure he's a male. He spends his time bow cooing, laughing…
$40Beautiful white Ringneck Turtleneck
$60Very beautiful dove
$651 year old male. Looking to rehome asap.
No Price Listed----ONE HEN LEFT---- No cocks left Moving out 5x young diamond doves from last year. These little ones are ADA closed-banded with 2024 bands. Some…
$35Beautiful bonded pair. The male is a Double Crested Ash and the female is a Tufted Tangerine Pearled Silky - $105 for the pair I raise and breed Ringneck…