I have 2 gorgeous Timneh babies that are well-socialized, loved and DNA tested for health and gender (1 male, 1 female).Timnehs are smaller and darker…
SOLD2 males - yellow sided green cheek conures 1 female - American dilute (cinnamon). price is for each bird.
SOLDDNA tested yellow sided male Green Cheek Conures. $300 each.
SOLDRescued this very loving female two years ago and she is everything I expected in a cockatoo: LOVES to be touched, cuddled, and craves attention. Very…
SOLDPlayful and very sweet, is hand-tamed and loves to be out of her cage. Enjoys baths and has radiant, beautiful colors. No shipping local pickup only.
SOLDSweet 1-year-old (Female) Pineapple Conure looking for a new home who already has another kind of pet bird for her companionship. Sadly, we can no longer…
SOLDLili, my dad's bird (who is no longer able to care for her) is for sale. She's super sweet, smart, a true love bird, sings and talks to you, is part of…
SOLDWe are selling our 2 years olds cockatiel, unfortunately, our new born baby started to showing signs of allergic reaction when expose for a long time with…
SOLDPAIR of BLUE Parrotlets. Bonded pair, Male and Female. Dark blue is female and the light blue is male. They even laid a few eggs but dont know if they…
SOLDPedro is a 2 year old male pied cockatiel that is friendly, says a variety of words and whistles tunes, negative for common avian diseases, and fully flighted…