5 weeks old still hand feeding will be ready around March 1st. Beautiful dark grey with orange cheeks is split to cinnamon and pearl parents but he is…
SOLD"Chippa", hatched on December 1, 2021 and has been hand fed and raised by me. He is very affectionate, curious and loves to play. He will be a great companion…
SOLDBeautiful Quaker parrot, very healthy and friendly, knows how to step up,likes to blow kisses, and likes to be out of his cage no has DNA test. . The…
SOLD-Hatch Date- October 13th, 2021 -Unsexed -Skittish but curious, with work could be a great pet! -Mother is a Yellow Sided and dad is a Normal (Bloodline…
SOLDCo-Parent raised but tame can be easily trained. working on step up command 8 wk old female parrotlet. SOLD
SOLDFriendly Baby Parrotlet. He loves to play on hands, very active, and love scratches on head. He’s has been fed on a pellet diet. He also loves to eat scramble…
SOLDBeautiful Female Parrolet. Handfed, very friendly. She loves scratches on head, be on hand, morning fly for exercise. She has been on a pellet diet and…
SOLDBeautiful Male Parrolet. Handfed, very friendly. He loves scratches on head, be on hand, morning fly for exercise. He has been on a pellet diet and also…
SOLDHand raised sweet baby Cockateils. #1 & #2 are weaned and ready to go. #4 and #5 still have a few more weeks before they are weaned. All babies come…
SOLDHand Raised, vary sweet baby Cockateil. Handled daily by my husband, myself and our kids. All babies come with a sample bag of food.