I am hand feeding this 8 weeks baby parrotlet. He is sweet and gentle. I work from home full time and spent many hours with him. I don't put him in a cage…
$425Over 700 birds sold. All Hand formula raised to be Super Tame and Loving. We raise Great Therapy birds That love people. We have every stage from eggs…
$160Handfed and Parent Raised babies I personally like the parent raised then it only takes us a couple days to let the babies learn that they don't need…
$4,700Hatched May 15th 2024 Hand fed from day one. Super SWEET BIRD Unsexed but my guess is she is a male...lol... Who knows. Low price due to it has one…
$4,300Curly Crested Aracaris ( 4 available today )............................... flawless Hand fed and parent raised 2024 breeding season babies available…
$4,500We got beautiful Tropicana macaw babies this year. One baby is still available. She is 8 months old. Like to talk. Like to fly. Good eater. Trained for…
$8,000I want to rehome these beautiful male cockatiels, they are only 5 months old but at their young age they already sing so beautifully and I assure you…
$300I named this baby Banana because he’s supposed obsessed with bananas. He’s very sweet and likes to cuddle while you watch tv, play videos, etc. He even…
$500Young adults for pets or breeding. Available: Females: White/platinum (or cream). Males: Tangerine and tangerine pearl (& similar variations). All…
$85One year old have had since 4 months old very pleasant and loving bird comes with 4 ft manzanita perch on wheels outside cage and another inside cage…