I have 1 lutino pearl 2 months old very friendly eating on its own beautiful bird
SOLD2 grey pearl / with white speckles cockatiels for sale . 5 months old. Not hand fed/not tame. Unknown gender. $150 each Local pick up in Mahwah NJ…
SOLDHandfeeding now, ready in November Beautiful pure white baby, sex link female Deposit will hold until weaned.
SOLDThis baby was hatched on. 9/15/23. Is being hand fed and will be looking for a new perch soon. We are waiting on DNA to come back. This bird is very gentle…
SOLDMature female cockatiel ready for a partner and to lay eggs (has laid some unfertile eggs already). Naturally fed and raised by her parents. Is estimated…
SOLDHand fed, tame baby white cockatiels. Very docile and cute. Make them a part of your family today.(Unweaned $220. Weaned $260)Serious inquiry. Thank you…
SOLDThis baby will be ready for his new home in 2-3 weeks. He is super sweet and cuddly. He is already vocal at 6 weeks old. All of my babies are DNA tested…
SOLDHard to find and very sweet, this boy lutino will be ready for his new home in 2-3 weeks. He is very sweet, loves to have his head scratched, and loves…
SOLDBeautiful cinnamon female baby tiel. She is super sweet (loves to snuggle) and extremely friendly. Please have appropriate cage and accessories.
SOLDAdorable normal male tiel. He is extremely tame, friendly and loves to snuggle. Please have appropriate cage and accessories.