We have males and females. contact us if interested and we can provide pictures. All of our babies are hand fed and handled daily. They love being out…
SOLDMating pair of cockatiels. Have had two clutches of healthy babies until we separated them. He is very vocal with song. She is very vocal also. Salem…
SOLDBeautiful and sweet Cockatiel has been hand fed and tamed. DNA tested female. She is the friendliest one I’ve had so far. She loves to sit on my shoulder…
SOLDTame, friendly baby, 11 weeks old
SOLDBeautiful tame, Creamface Lutino hen. 11 weeks old, recently weaned.
SOLDweaned... 3 albino
SOLDHatched during the week of 5/6/2024. Hand-fed since 2 weeks old. Tamed, friendly, and a good pet. He steps up and sits on shoulders. DNA tested to be…
SOLDHatched during the week of 5/6/2024. Hand-fed since 2 weeks old. Tamed, friendly, and a good pet. She steps up and sits on shoulders. DNA tested to be…
SOLDAppears to be female, from January clutch. Local pick up in San Diego county Parents are my pets and all have been inside. More photos on San Diego…
SOLDI have 5 baby cockatiels for sale. One is a pearl cockatiel and the rest are normal cockatiels. They have been plucked by their parents but their feathers…