Beautiful 3 year old Lutino female and 4 year old Pied male. They have laid two clutches of eggs but we did not bring them to hatch. His name is Riki…
SOLD2 Baby cockatiels for sale 9 weeks old. $75 each
SOLDWe have two baby cockateils ready for a new home June 15. Hand fed and wings clipped.
SOLDBeautiful Sweet handfed Tamed Pearl, Cinnamon Pied Grey Cockatiel . Very tamed and healthy. They are hand feeded, very playful. We spend a lot time play…
SOLDGood looking birds not mixed with family for better health
SOLDNormal grey cockatiel Hatch date 4/16/23 DNA sexed- male *ready-by date will be determined by weaning progress, but approximately around 8-12 weeks…
SOLDTamed baby tiels looking for a new home feel free to contact my actual # I can take more pictures
SOLDAll sold! HAND-FED from two weeks and very friendly. Two Cinnamons SOLD!
SOLDI have one Lutino female and one gray cockatiel for sale.very lovable and tame. Cockatiel must be picked up; shipping is not an option.