2022 Cantor Spanish Timbrados hen available for rehoming. This quality show bird is from a Spain lineage & heritage. Few males and hens are available to…
SOLDI have 2 couples of canaries for sale one couple are adults and one couple are young.
SOLDI have 2 couples of canaries for sale, one couple yellow adults and one couple white young.
SOLDI have 2 couples of canaries for sale, one couple yellow adults and one couple white young.
SOLDYellows Canaries breeding Pair Male and Female with egg and cage $149 (pickup only ) picture attach with cage ,left side pair with same cage double side…
SOLDYellows Canaries Pair Male and Female $120 Pair if you need cage then $35 cage very nice size (right side pair ) pickup only
SOLDYoung canaries Hatched this year Some reds and yellows
SOLD2022 Cantor Spanish Timbrados hen available for rehoming. This quality show bird is from a Spain lineage & heritage. Few males and hens are available to…
SOLDThis is a 2023 banded male with a beautiful full song, likened to the sound of bubbling water with a distinctive nightingale accent. Their repertoire…
SOLDBeautiful Canaries for sale $70 American singer Yellow, brown mix, crested and orange. Female and males mixed, sold in pairs or the lot ..For Serious…