Hand raised Whiteface Cockatiels. Weaned and ready for there new homes. Eating Roudybush pellets, small amount of seed and veggie/bean chop. Taught the…
$200Hand raised Greencheek Conures-Pineapple/Cinnamon. Lovely babies. Newly weaned. Greenfield Center NY
$450Small hobbist breeder of Greencheek Conure- Pineapple. DNA males.Hand raising. Gentle sweetheart . weaned onto Roudybush pellets, small amount of seed…
SOLDHand raised Pastelface Lutino Cockatiel. Newly weaned. DNA female. Eating Roudybush pellets, small amount of seed and veggie/bean chop. Taught the step…
SOLDSenegal Parrot. Hand raising . DNA male. Gentle baby. Being taught the step up command. Getting use to a harness . Pick up only when weaned. Greenfield…
SOLDHand raised Pastel face Lutino Cockatiel, DNA female. Taught the step up command. Eating Roudybush pellets, small amount of seed and veggie/bean chop.…
SOLDCinnamon Greencheek Conure. Parent raised. DNA female. NOT hand tamed, parents Cinnamon & Pineapple. Young. Pick up only. Greenfield Center NY
SOLDHand raised Whiteface Pearl Cockatiel. Being taught the step up command. Eating Roudybush pellets, small amount of seed and veggie/bean chop. Pick up only…
SOLDHand raising Pineapple Greencheek Conures. Will be weaned onto Roudybush pellets,small amount of seed and veggie/bean chop. Being taught the step up command…
SOLDHand raising Pineapple Greencheek Conure. DNA male. Beautiful baby. Will be weaned onto Roudybush pellets mini’s, small amount of seed and veggie/bean…