Greencheeks on special!!!! Usually $479.99, but currently selling for $249.99. We have an assortment of greencheek conures available ranging from 4-7 months…
SOLDJUST MARKED DOWN!!! Beautiful olive colored Indian Ringneck weaned and ready to go home now. He or she has not been DNA sexed yet, but time will tell as…
SOLDBaby Blue Front Amazon for sale (has not been sexed yet)! Finished hand feeding and very tame; steps up with ease, bright colors are coming through and…
SOLDBaby (m) Eclectus parrot, hatched around the beginning of August and is almost weaned. Eclectus are known for their gentle and calm temperament as well…
SOLDWe have one baby gold capped conure available, sex is unknown and he/she is still handfeeding but weaning quickly. Already very sweet and knows how to…
SOLDThe cutest baby umbrella cockatoo available for purchase or deposit now. He/she has not been tested as male or female. This little one is still taking…
SOLDHatched in early July and hand raised in our store from one month old, this baby is coming along beautifully. He or she has not been sexed and is still…
SOLDOnly one baby cherryhead is left!!! They are known to be quite affectionate with their humans and do well with training, not to mention they are some of…
SOLDOur last white belly caique is waiting for its home! Steps up with ease, loves being on its back and loves to "surf" which is a favorite activity of the…
SOLDYou do not see these every day! Redfront macaws are known to be extremely playful and affectionate with their owners and are some of the most intelligent…