Super Sweet tame not affraid of people at all, enjoys petting and attention, will step up always. Leg banded baby used to kids, and birds, eating mixed…
SOLDJust finished hand feeding and eating seed mix and fruits, sweet inquisitive baby, ready for new family and learn lots of tricks and word. We ship through…
SOLDWe have 1 left, She has a beautiful bright orange head and tail and since she is not mature she will be done moulting until their head turns into a orange…
SOLDInquisitive & Strong minded Hand fed tame, DNA sexed, ID#034 leg band felt off, sweet and cute as can be! Our lovebirds are breed in a happy free flight…
SOLDThis cute couple its a proven DNA Sexed pair with their cerficates, they are sold togheter only, and the reason I have them priced as a great deal. Very…
SOLDSweet and curious little one has been DNA tested, hand fed tamed and leg banded for ID and age purposes. Likes forraging for food and play time. Eating…
SOLDOne Fischer left ONLY! ready for their forever home, DNA sexed,Tamed, ID leg bands on and set for shoulder rides and lots of TLC at theirforever homes…
SOLDThis inquisitive and intrepid girl will keep you entertained and in a happy mood, loves millet time while watching TV with you, snuggle under a blanket…
SOLDThis cute and sweet baby will melt your heart, ready for shoulder rides and snuggle time with millet treats! hatched the last week in February, was hand…
SOLDThis blue aqua mutation is very nice, loves play time, foraging toys, and millet treats she will keep you entertained and in a happy mood. DNA female…