Green Cheek Conure Baby “Cinnamon Dilute” 62 - Male

Green Cheek Conure Baby “Cinnamon Dilute” 62 Male

Green Cheek Conure

Gainesville, VA
Additional Comments

"Handfed Green Cheek Conure – Healthy, Happy, and Getting Ready for Your Home!

This Cinnamint Green Cheek Conure is currently in the handfeeding process and will soon be abundance weaned onto a variety of nutritious foods, including pellets and veggies. Raised in a lively environment with exposure to household sounds and activities, this baby will be fully fledged to ensure strong muscle development, coordination, and confidence.

Piedmont Parrots Aviary of Virginia

Piedmont Parrots Aviary of Virginia

We raise happy and healthy birds in a safe and nurturing environment. Our breeding program is dedicated to producing beautiful, intelligent, and affectionate parrots that make excellent pets for individuals and families alike. Current pairs include most mutations of green cheek conures; indian ringnecks in combinations of violet, emerald, blue, turquoise, cobalt, cleartail, and harlequin; as well as crimson-bellied conures.

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