Young Bourke Parakeets, hatched late March 2023
1 Normal Bourke left from this clutch, asking $100
Weaned on Harrison's Pellets, but also can eat seeds.
Sorry, out of Rosy's at this time.
No shipping, you must make an appointment to view the birds in person. I phone screen all visitors first.
I bred show canaries for years, but also had pet parakeets. When I retired and wanted to travel more, I sold all my canaries, but kept a couple of older budgies. When one died (of old age,) I replaced with a male normal colored Bourke Parakeet to keep the budgie company. When that remaining budgie died (of old age,) I purchased a young Rosy colored Bourke that I was told was a male. Now I know that you cannot sex young Bourke parakeets and Rosy Bourkes are never reliably sexed! So I ended up with a true pair and decided to let them breed.
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