Bond's Tin Roof Band#4 DNA pending but thinking this one is a male.
SOLD. Double yellow sided Conure baby boy will come with paperwork. 040 Is a sweet little boy and won't be ready until around the first of June, he will be…
SOLD039 Is a sweet little boy will be ready in a couple of weeks he is in the process of weaning. Comes with paperwork, well socialized and hand fed. Double…
SOLDThis beauty is a little spice girl. She is pretty. She makes her brothers toll the line. She has been DNA tested and comes with papers. She gets out of…
SOLDTheir parents are both albino. They are about 20 days old. They are only sold to people who have experience in hand feeding. They are $150 each now. After…
SOLDBaby parakeet hand-fed ready for new home, please note that they are hand-fed birds, but not trained. After leaving the house my birds have no guarantee…
SOLDBaby parakeet hand-fed ready for new home, please note that they are hand-fed birds, but not trained. After leaving the house my birds have no guarantee…
SOLDBaby parakeet hand-fed ready for new home, please note that they are hand-fed birds, but not trained. After leaving the house my birds have no guarantee…
SOLDsweet handfed baby normal green cheek.
SOLDGorgeous Indian Ring Neck babies ready for hand feeding. Four yellow/green pied and one lutino. Sweet and fat. $600 each or $550 if two or more. Call…