Chip is a very sweet and sociable little kid (DNA tested male). He has been hand fed from 4 weeks old and loves his humans. He will step up and hang…
SOLDThis sweet baby girl (DNA tested female) is almost weaned and ready to go home. She is a very friendly and cuddly little girl. She will step up onto…
SOLD2 months old Parrotlet, Turquoise Pied color, male, very beautiful color, he was hand fed and now eats on its own. Asking for $350. For more information…
SOLDBeautiful and Adorable Crimson Bellied Conure babies, ready just in time for Christmas! Picture of parents included in photos. We have 1 female baby…
SOLDBeautiful Sweet handfed Tamed Lutino Cockatiel . Very tamed and healthy. They are hand feeded, very playful. We spend a lot time play with them everyday…
SOLDI have two girls left they are sweet and ready for a forever home. Hand fed and well socialized. DNA tested paperwork comes with them, healthy happy little…
SOLDOur DNA-verified male Blue-Headed Macaw is Born to mesmerize with rich hues and playful personality. Our tamed and hand-raised mini Macaw is only 5 mo…
SOLDMango is a beautiful Cinnamon Pearl cockatiel. She is handfed and very sweet. She will step up and she loves head scratches. She is looking for a loving…
SOLDThese babies are as sweet as can be. Handfed with an abundance of love and affection they are almost ready for their forever homes. Chicks are being…
SOLD"Meet Logan" Large Male Triton - 16 weeks Old - Still handfeeding 1 times daily Starting to talk - says "You a good boy" pretty well See Video…