I have 3 rosey bourkes available. Very sweet babies. Located in Northville NY 12134 please google distance as I do not ship nor do I deliver. Must have…
SOLDI have just one sun conure baby hatched out April 13th dna tested female. Hand fed does know step up when she chooses loves attention. Im located in Northville…
SOLDThis beautiful boy was hatched on April 18, 2023 . His shades of blue are gorgeous! He is very sweet . His Mom is yellow and his dad is blue.
SOLDthree (3) female blue front amazon parrots born June and July 2023 for sale in Late August 2023. These birds are being hand fed and will be tame. I will…
SOLDThis little girl is about 5 weeks now she is being hand fed. As of now she is quite and timid. she is a beautiful bird. She has been DNA tested and comes…
SOLD11 weeks old, eating on it's own. Parents raised. Not hand tame, not hand raised Gender unknown. Super beautiful and healthy.
SOLDMeet little love bug Billy everyone. This little sweet boy is looking for his forever perch to call home. Billy is 11 weeks old and super funny, he loves…
SOLDTwo Available! DNA Tested Female Tame Handfed Cockatiels - Brownsburg IN Normal Gray is $150 and Heavy Pied is $225 Both for $300 for both Fully…
SOLDWe are waiting for DNA on this bird. It is about 8 weeks and is so friendly. He is already starting to make different sounds. it will not be long until…
SOLDFemale dilute blue aka American white parrotlet. May 31st hatch date is weaned and ready for a new home.