She has been DNA tested and comes with papers. She has been hand fed, also loves other birds and likes to hang out on your shoulders. She will make a great…
SOLD3 1/2 month old female, Goffins cockatoo. Parents are not for sale. Has some minor deformities to her toenails. She has found a new home. But I don…
SOLDFemale Dominant Red Pineapple Green Cheek Conure. Handfed baby. 3 months old. Bay Area California
SOLDHandfed baby cockatiel, female Lutino. Weaning now.
SOLDMale blue fallow baby. Hatch date April 1st 2023. I had to use last years band. Baby is weaned and ready for hood new home!
SOLDSweet little darling, very calm baby. HANDFED and tame
SOLDThis sweet baby girl was hatched on April 20, 2023 and handled ever since. She's a quiet one so far and loves to be held in soft fleece. Her Mom is yellow…
SOLDBeautiful Baby Female, Baby is Tame & Handfed. Hatch Day: April 22, 2023! ready for new home between June 10 to 12, 2023. I also have a Facebook Aviary…
SOLDBeautiful Baby Female, Baby is Tame & Handfed. Hatch Day: April 22, 2023! ready for new home between June 10 to 12, 2023. I also have a Facebook Aviary…
SOLD3-month-old female hand-fed since 2 weeks after hatch.