We have males and females. contact us if interested and we can provide pictures. All of our babies are hand fed and handled daily. They love being out…
SOLDSweet baby girl, loves to be out checking out your business. Smart and curious. Just weaning off from hand feeding. Both her parents are Turqouis. She…
SOLDThis sweet baby girl is quite a character, super friendly and will fly to you on her own. Just weaned from hand feeding to Zupreem fruit pellets, a variety…
SOLDHatched during the week of 5/6/2024. Hand-fed since 2 weeks old. Tamed, friendly, and a good pet. She steps up and sits on shoulders. DNA tested to be…
SOLDThis bay is ready for her forever perch. She loves being out of the cage She was hand fed and has been DNA tested and comes with papers and a goodie bag…
SOLDAdorable vibrant plumage Red Factor Sun Conure babies. 2 Female available. Hatched end of April 2024.. Being hand fed and being weaned onto pellets,…
SOLDvery friendly handfed baby
SOLDBaby female cockatiel, friendly and ready for her new home.
SOLD4 week old solomon island eclectus hen. Pickup in bryan texas. Pickup only. No shipping.
SOLDGreen cheek conure hand-fed ready for new home. Please only interested people please