Yellows Canaries Pair Male and Female $120 Pair if you need cage then $35 cage very nice size (right side pair ) pickup only
SOLDHe is a dna'd male and is 21 years old. He is tame and steps up. He lives to eats and loves being out of the cage. He is not destructive. He can make some…
SOLDAmazon yellow naped parrot for re homing he is vary kind and a one person bird he is 12 years old. There is a rehoming fee of 600 comes with cage and accessories…
SOLDBeautiful male tame Goffin cockatoo 5yrs old. Sweet and tame. You can pet him: With dna paper and pbfd disease tested negative. He step up in your hand…
SOLDBeautiful Pair of Ringnecks. Male and Female. Not tame as they had the run of my Sunroom Aviary, but I need that room now to expand my business. Will include…
SOLDThis is a young 2023 Silver Red Bar Pouter. These birds are young and still molting but showing a lot of potential. They are very tall with large muffs…
SOLDI have a blue male parakeet born on August 2022. I would like to give this baby a good home. This bird will step up when you put your finger close to its…
SOLDI have green male parakeet given to me August 2023. I would like to give this baby a good home. This bird will step up when you put your finger close to…
SOLDI have an aqua male parakeet born on July 2022. I would like to give this baby a good home. This bird will step up when you put your finger close to its…
SOLDElvis is normal grey, male cockatiel who is around 8 years old. I don't know too much about his life before he came to me, due to his previous owner passing…