NOW $150. to good home Beautiful male parrotlet a year and a half old ready to breed. Green and gray with blue tips wings and tail. very sweet…
SOLDNalu is an amazing Parrot. He is 21 years old and has been with me since a few weeks old. I hand fed him and weaned him onto hard food. He has a very…
SOLDCarmelita is a healthy, 17 year old female, hand fed for the first year, who enjoys being handled outside her cage daily. She has a diet of organic Harrison…
SOLD19 year old female Scarlett Macaw looking for a new home. She was hand fed as a baby. Do not have enough time to devote to her. Looking for a good home…
SOLDAmazon parrots, male and female 6 years old, no tamed, no pets they are breeding pair. $4,000 for both.It will come with a small travel cage.
SOLD3 Year Old Pair of Trumpeter Swans. Pinioned, Delivery Available to most states. $5500.00
SOLDPair of Mute Swans. Male is 4 years old and the female is 2 years old. Delivery available to most states. $2200
SOLD3 year old female Trumpeter Swan. Pinioned. Delivery available to most states. $3000
SOLDbeautiful pair of weaver finches perfect for a bird lovers aviary or for breeding.
SOLDQuality gloster canaries males and females young adults. Males singing ready to breed or to enjoy as a beautifully singing pet.