Bonded pair. One male and one female (don't remember which is which). One Scarlet Macaw and one Military Macaw. Have had about 6 babies together, but haven…
SOLDI have a beautiful Sun Conure who needs a good home. She is approximately 8 years old. Her name is Atticus (she was named before we discovered she was…
SOLDI want to rehome these 10 month old female young cockatiels. They’re both comfortable being around other cockatiels and humans. They’re also very tamed…
SOLDI want to rehome my 10 month old male young cockatiel. He’s comfortable and used to being around other cockatiels and humans. He’s also very tamed, takes…
SOLDI'm looking to rehoming these 5 month old female young baby cockatiels (cinnamon pied and Lutino). They were both hand raised and fed. They're not DNA…
SOLDI’m looking to rehome this 8 month old male cockatiel (his name is Nugget). He was hand raised and fed. He’s also comfortable being around other cockatiels…
SOLDI'm looking to rehoming these 3 month old baby Lutino cockatiels. They were hand raised and fed. They are not DNA tested but one is a male, the other two…
SOLDI'm looking to rehoming my 7 month old Yellow/Grey pied cockatiel. I put that the species is unknown because I never got a DNA test but most likely is…
SOLDI have an olive baby linnie girl who I was thinking of keeping, but I am moving in a few months and I have been too busy to spend enough time with her…
SOLDLooking for someone who can adopt this beautiful cockatiel. I think it’s a female, it’s very quiet. Please text our phone number if interested.She’s probably…